Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Millennium Pest control Service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Millennium Pest control Service - Assignment Example The firm specialises in controlling pests that affect wheat and as a marketing manager, I will discuss the marketing plan that will be used by the firm in order to ensure it achieve its organisational goals on controlling pests that affect wheat. In any business venture, marketing research is an importance task that ought to be carried out first. The main aim of market research is to carry out an investigation the market in order to find out what others who are in business are offering in your industry. For this case, a marketing research will be crucial in order to know what businesses in pest control services are offering to the market. By carrying out market research, Millennium Pest Control Services will be in a position of understanding the behaviours, preferences and whims of wheat farmers in the market. During the market research, we will examine business environment at large. We will not only carry out the financial analysis of companies but will examine the government regulations, the competitors, economic treads, market structure and technological advances. We will use a number of marketing research methods and types while carrying out a marketing research for our firm. Understanding the consumer behaviour is essential as it brings t... This knowledge would be very essential as Millennium Pest Control Services will be in a position of understanding the behaviours of wheat farmers in order to understand how they, when they buy and why they buy the firm's pesticides. Since the firm specialises on manufacturing and retailing pests that affect wheat, we should identify our group which we will target and for this case, wheat farmers will be our potential customers. We need to understand their behaviour so as to respond to them using marketing strategies that are appropriate in satisfying the different preferences of the wheat farmers. The above strategy improves marketing effectiveness and as a result, there is increased customer satisfaction. This also makes advertising effective since the target group is already known hence advertising results are improved. Our target market for wheat pesticides will be defined geographically since in our targeting strategy, we have identified our customers which we will service and these are the wheat farmers. On the other hand, since we manufacture our products in large quantities, we can also use other small scale retailers that deal with sale of seedlings. We will have a number of products to offer to farmers depending on the kind of pest they want to control. The distinct characteristics that are unique with the Millennium Pest Control Services that will make their products prevail in the market are enhanced customer care, distribution of their products to the grass-root level, free consultant services to their clients, visit of field officer to clients farms and loan facilities it gives to firms. These unique services are rare among the competitors in the industry and this will

Saturday, February 8, 2020

MBA Advertising Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

MBA Advertising Plan - Essay Example While the advertising plan proposes the use of advertising media like television, radio and print media, it also envisages the use of sponsored programs for the promotion of the business in the local area. The advertising plan also presents a detailed account of the media and the contents of the advertising plan that will be used to promote the business of the bank in the chosen location. II. Situation Analysis A. Current Marketing Situation NBK is the largest and most dominant financial institutions functioning in Kuwait. Apart from enjoying the highest credit rating in the Middle East, the bank has a most extensive regional and international network to meet the customer demands. The bank has subsidiaries and representative offices in main international and regional financial centers of the world and has ambitious plans for expansion into other regions where there is no presence of the bank at the moment. The strength of its financial position, the conservative approach to risk management and well diversified and high quality asset base and income sources characterize the bank's fundamentals of growth. Well-recognized and strong franchise, dominant market share, sophistication in technology and stable and capable management team are the additional features that have contributed for the growth of the bank over the period. The products and services being offered by NBK include a host of interest and non-interest bearing accounts, provision of credit cards and associated services, different types of loans to suit the choice of the customers, convenience of online banking and other customer packages suited for different kinds of customers. The bank serves different types of clients like privately-hel companies, public institutions,... In this essay the author describes how development of an advertising plan assures that the marketing dollars spent by an organization is utilized wisely in targeting the right type of audience. In that respect the advertising plan for a bank can be considered as an important tool in achieving the desired growth in the business of the bank. The effectiveness of the advertising by a bank can be improved drastically by a careful planning in advance of the media as well as the contents of the advertisements the bank proposes to use in order to convince new customers to come in and to reward the current customers so that they do not move into the competitors. In this context this paper presents the advertising plan for the National Bank of Kuwait for the promotion of its operations in Fairfax County, Virginia State of United States. While the advertising plan proposes the use of advertising media like television, radio and print media, it also envisages the use of sponsored programs for t he promotion of the business in the local area. The advertising plan also presents a detailed account of the media and the contents of the advertising plan that will be used to promote the business of the bank in the chosen location. Having established the advertising objectives, the next task is to set the advertising budget. The determination of the exact amount that needs to be spent on advertising is more an art than a science. There are a number of factors that influence the setting of the advertising budget.